10 Kids Books About Bullying

Books about bullying for young children

Incorporating kids books about bullying can help children learn the warning signs of bullying and encourage them to discuss their feelings and experiences with others. The effects of bullying can be serious and affect kids sense of safety and self-worth. Teaching children the simple act of kindness and encouraging others to do the same, goes a long way. Continue reading

Thanksgiving Books For Kids

20 Thanksgiving Books for Kids - Crayon Box Chronicles

Thanksgiving is a beautiful time of year to celebrate and give thanks with family and friends. This time of year—all year— helps us remember how important it is to give thanks and teach compassion and gratitude to our children.  Using books to help teach children is a wonderful, fun way to introduce the history of Thanksgiving and time-honored traditions.  Today’s Thanksgiving traditions differ greatly from the original 1621 harvest meal, but still, a feast indeed.  Continue reading